ERREUR 80070002

6 réponses
bonjour je suis sous vista 32 pack 2 depuis trois jours j ai une mise a jour
qui n arrive pas a se télécharger après 31% j ai le code erreur 80070002, j
ai essaye toutes les solutions proposé par Windows et essaye de télécharger
en autonome mais ca ne fonctionne pas.

je fais donc appel a vous pour trouver une solution, la mise Mise à jour de
sécurité est : pour Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 Service Pack 2 pour
Windows Vista Service Pack 2 et Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2


6 réponses

claude wrote:
bonjour je suis sous vista 32 pack 2 depuis trois jours j ai une mise
a jour qui n arrive pas a se télécharger après 31% j ai le code
erreur 80070002, j ai essaye toutes les solutions proposé par Windows
et essaye de télécharger en autonome mais ca ne fonctionne pas.

je fais donc appel a vous pour trouver une solution, la mise Mise à
jour de sécurité est : pour Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0
Service Pack 2 pour Windows Vista Service Pack 2 et Windows Server
2008 Service Pack 2 (KB974470)



Je te recopie, en l'adaptant la solution que j'ai donnée à un demandeur sur
XP (c'est pareil pour Vista)
Et qui a marché.

Mais peux-tu vérifier au préalable dans Programmes et Fonctionnalités si :
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 est installé ?

---------------- copie -----------------

La solution qui marche jusqu'à présent sur les Framework est :
- désinstallation avec un outil spécialisé
- réinstallation de préference manuelle.

1- D'abord désinstaller proprement la version 2.0 :
Avec la solution de Aaron Stebner :
Cliquer sur "updated version ................"
Puis sur un des sites de téléchargement (download locations)
Télécharger ""
Décompresser dans le dossier de ton choix.
Lancer l'outil "cleanup_tool"

Parmi les versions proposées, désinstaller la 2.0
(Remarque : si 3.5 était présente, vérifier si elle est toujours présente)

2- Télécharger puis réinstaller en local les version supprimées :

A savoir la 2.0 Redistributable Pack et le 2.0 SP2 ainsi que prise en charge

Vérifier alors les mises à jour sur le site de Microsoft :

3- Si la 3.5 a été supprimée, sa réinstallation peut être nécessaie
Elle comprend aussi la 2.0 et la 3.0.«99342f-5d1a-413d-8319-81da479ab0d7&DisplayLang=fr

Attention, ne pas cliquer "Télécharger", car le lien est un loader de 2.8
Quand on le lance, il recherche la version complète et poursuit
l'installation en ligne.

Préférer l'exécutable complet en allant en bas de page :
Instructions / cliquer sur "Package complet".

Attention le dossier est lourd (231 Mo), faut du temps en ADSL limité.
Déconseillé en RTC (chercher quelqu'un en ADSL).

Après téléchargement exécuter le package complet
C'est long aussi
Faudra redémarrer

Compléter immédiatement avec la KB959209 :

Puis compléter sur le site de Microsoft :

---------------- copie -----------------

Nous dire, avec les réponses sur la 3.5 STP

"Herser" a écrit dans le message de groupe de discussion
claude wrote:
bonjour je suis sous vista 32 pack 2 depuis trois jours j ai une mise
a jour qui n arrive pas a se télécharger après 31% j ai le code
erreur 80070002, j ai essaye toutes les solutions proposé par Windows
et essaye de télécharger en autonome mais ca ne fonctionne pas.

je fais donc appel a vous pour trouver une solution, la mise Mise à
jour de sécurité est : pour Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0
Service Pack 2 pour Windows Vista Service Pack 2 et Windows Server
2008 Service Pack 2 (KB974470)



Je te recopie, en l'adaptant la solution que j'ai donnée à un demandeur
sur XP (c'est pareil pour Vista)
Et qui a marché.

Mais peux-tu vérifier au préalable dans Programmes et Fonctionnalités si :
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 est installé ?

---------------- copie -----------------

La solution qui marche jusqu'à présent sur les Framework est :
- désinstallation avec un outil spécialisé
- réinstallation de préference manuelle.

1- D'abord désinstaller proprement la version 2.0 :
Avec la solution de Aaron Stebner :
Cliquer sur "updated version ................"
Puis sur un des sites de téléchargement (download locations)
Télécharger ""
Décompresser dans le dossier de ton choix.
Lancer l'outil "cleanup_tool"

Parmi les versions proposées, désinstaller la 2.0
(Remarque : si 3.5 était présente, vérifier si elle est toujours

2- Télécharger puis réinstaller en local les version supprimées :

A savoir la 2.0 Redistributable Pack et le 2.0 SP2 ainsi que prise en
charge du

Vérifier alors les mises à jour sur le site de Microsoft :

3- Si la 3.5 a été supprimée, sa réinstallation peut être nécessaie
Elle comprend aussi la 2.0 et la 3.0.«99342f-5d1a-413d-8319-81da479ab0d7&DisplayLang=fr

Attention, ne pas cliquer "Télécharger", car le lien est un loader de 2.8
Quand on le lance, il recherche la version complète et poursuit
l'installation en ligne.

Préférer l'exécutable complet en allant en bas de page :
Instructions / cliquer sur "Package complet".

Attention le dossier est lourd (231 Mo), faut du temps en ADSL limité.
Déconseillé en RTC (chercher quelqu'un en ADSL).

Après téléchargement exécuter le package complet
C'est long aussi
Faudra redémarrer

Compléter immédiatement avec la KB959209 :

Puis compléter sur le site de Microsoft :

---------------- copie -----------------

Nous dire, avec les réponses sur la 3.5 STP


j étais absent quelques jours, oui la version Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5
SP1 est installé

j ai appliqué la méthode mais j ai toujours le même problème avec le même
code erreur

avez vous une autre solution ou suis je condamné a ne plus faire de mise a

merci pour votre aide
le Fri, 23 Oct 2009 11:49:14 +0200, "claude"
<4ae17c24$0$1137$ écrivait:

avez vous une autre solution ou suis je condamné a ne plus faire de mise a

tu peu regarder cet article dans la Base de connaissances du support
de Microsoft‘0336
a écrit dans le message de groupe de discussion :

le Fri, 23 Oct 2009 11:49:14 +0200, "claude"
<4ae17c24$0$1137$ écrivait:

avez vous une autre solution ou suis je condamné a ne plus faire de mise a

tu peu regarder cet article dans la Base de connaissances du support
de Microsoft‘0336

Déjà fait ça ne marche pas!
claude wrote:
"Herser" a écrit dans le message de groupe de

claude wrote:
bonjour je suis sous vista 32 pack 2 depuis trois jours j ai une
mise a jour qui n arrive pas a se télécharger après 31% j ai le code
erreur 80070002, j ai essaye toutes les solutions proposé par
Windows et essaye de télécharger en autonome mais ca ne fonctionne
pas. je fais donc appel a vous pour trouver une solution, la mise Mise à
jour de sécurité est : pour Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0
Service Pack 2 pour Windows Vista Service Pack 2 et Windows Server
2008 Service Pack 2 (KB974470)



Je te recopie, en l'adaptant la solution que j'ai donnée à un
demandeur sur XP (c'est pareil pour Vista)
Et qui a marché.

Mais peux-tu vérifier au préalable dans Programmes et
Fonctionnalités si : Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 est installé ?

---------------- copie -----------------

La solution qui marche jusqu'à présent sur les Framework est :
- désinstallation avec un outil spécialisé
- réinstallation de préference manuelle.

1- D'abord désinstaller proprement la version 2.0 :
Avec la solution de Aaron Stebner :
Cliquer sur "updated version ................"
Puis sur un des sites de téléchargement (download locations)
Télécharger ""
Décompresser dans le dossier de ton choix.
Lancer l'outil "cleanup_tool"

Parmi les versions proposées, désinstaller la 2.0
(Remarque : si 3.5 était présente, vérifier si elle est toujours

2- Télécharger puis réinstaller en local les version supprimées :

A savoir la 2.0 Redistributable Pack et le 2.0 SP2 ainsi que prise en
charge du

Vérifier alors les mises à jour sur le site de Microsoft :

3- Si la 3.5 a été supprimée, sa réinstallation peut être nécessaie
Elle comprend aussi la 2.0 et la 3.0.«99342f-5d1a-413d-8319-81da479ab0d7&DisplayLang=fr

Attention, ne pas cliquer "Télécharger", car le lien est un loader
de 2.8 Mo.
Quand on le lance, il recherche la version complète et poursuit
l'installation en ligne.

Préférer l'exécutable complet en allant en bas de page :
Instructions / cliquer sur "Package complet".

Attention le dossier est lourd (231 Mo), faut du temps en ADSL
limité. Déconseillé en RTC (chercher quelqu'un en ADSL).

Après téléchargement exécuter le package complet
C'est long aussi
Faudra redémarrer

Compléter immédiatement avec la KB959209 :

Puis compléter sur le site de Microsoft :

---------------- copie -----------------

Nous dire, avec les réponses sur la 3.5 STP


j étais absent quelques jours, oui la version Microsoft .NET
Framework 3.5 SP1 est installé

j ai appliqué la méthode mais j ai toujours le même problème avec le
même code erreur

avez vous une autre solution ou suis je condamné a ne plus faire de
mise a jours???

merci pour votre aide

Envoie sur Cijoint la fin du rapport de mise à jour concernant cette KB
On trouve ce rapport dans :
Si Vista dans C

Tu peux aussi essayer de désinstaller la 3.5 en suivant la même procédure.
Mais en remplaçant 2.0 par 3.5.
La 3.5 installe la 2.0 et la 3.0, puisqu'elle en a besoin.

Je sais c'est long, et pas certain que ça marche

Ce message est composé et au format MIME.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

"Herser" a écrit dans le message de groupe de discussion
: #VJMNb#
claude wrote:
"Herser" a écrit dans le message de groupe de

claude wrote:
bonjour je suis sous vista 32 pack 2 depuis trois jours j ai une
mise a jour qui n arrive pas a se télécharger après 31% j ai le code
erreur 80070002, j ai essaye toutes les solutions proposé par
Windows et essaye de télécharger en autonome mais ca ne fonctionne
pas. je fais donc appel a vous pour trouver une solution, la mise Mise
jour de sécurité est : pour Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0
Service Pack 2 pour Windows Vista Service Pack 2 et Windows Server
2008 Service Pack 2 (KB974470)



Je te recopie, en l'adaptant la solution que j'ai donnée à un
demandeur sur XP (c'est pareil pour Vista)
Et qui a marché.

Mais peux-tu vérifier au préalable dans Programmes et
Fonctionnalités si : Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 est installé ?

---------------- copie -----------------

La solution qui marche jusqu'à présent sur les Framework est :
- désinstallation avec un outil spécialisé
- réinstallation de préference manuelle.

1- D'abord désinstaller proprement la version 2.0 :
Avec la solution de Aaron Stebner :
Cliquer sur "updated version ................"
Puis sur un des sites de téléchargement (download locations)
Télécharger ""
Décompresser dans le dossier de ton choix.
Lancer l'outil "cleanup_tool"

Parmi les versions proposées, désinstaller la 2.0
(Remarque : si 3.5 était présente, vérifier si elle est toujours

2- Télécharger puis réinstaller en local les version supprimées :

A savoir la 2.0 Redistributable Pack et le 2.0 SP2 ainsi que prise en
charge du

Vérifier alors les mises à jour sur le site de Microsoft :

3- Si la 3.5 a été supprimée, sa réinstallation peut être nécessaie
Elle comprend aussi la 2.0 et la 3.0.«99342f-5d1a-413d-8319-81da479ab0d7&DisplayLang=fr

Attention, ne pas cliquer "Télécharger", car le lien est un loader
de 2.8 Mo.
Quand on le lance, il recherche la version complète et poursuit
l'installation en ligne.

Préférer l'exécutable complet en allant en bas de page :
Instructions / cliquer sur "Package complet".

Attention le dossier est lourd (231 Mo), faut du temps en ADSL
limité. Déconseillé en RTC (chercher quelqu'un en ADSL).

Après téléchargement exécuter le package complet
C'est long aussi
Faudra redémarrer

Compléter immédiatement avec la KB959209 :

Puis compléter sur le site de Microsoft :

---------------- copie -----------------

Nous dire, avec les réponses sur la 3.5 STP


j étais absent quelques jours, oui la version Microsoft .NET
Framework 3.5 SP1 est installé

j ai appliqué la méthode mais j ai toujours le même problème avec le
même code erreur

avez vous une autre solution ou suis je condamné a ne plus faire de
mise a jours???

merci pour votre aide

Envoie sur Cijoint la fin du rapport de mise à jour concernant cette KB
On trouve ce rapport dans :
Si Vista dans C

Tu peux aussi essayer de désinstaller la 3.5 en suivant la même procédure.
Mais en remplaçant 2.0 par 3.5.
La 3.5 installe la 2.0 et la 3.0, puisqu'elle en a besoin.

Je sais c'est long, et pas certain que ça marche


merci voici le fichier Windows update en pièce jointe

Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: attachment;

2009-10-15 19:32:47:501 1080 d3c DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {AAFEE276-74E6-49FF-A566-D1540BA51CFD}.102] ***********
2009-10-15 19:32:47:501 1080 d3c DnldMgr Regulation: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} - Update AAFEE276-74E6-49FF-A566-D1540BA51CFD is "Priority" regulated and can NOT download. Sequence 7987 vs AcceptRate 6466.
2009-10-15 19:32:47:501 1080 d3c DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to download due to regulation.
2009-10-15 19:32:47:501 1080 d3c DnldMgr Regulation: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} - Update AAFEE276-74E6-49FF-A566-D1540BA51CFD is "Priority" regulated and can NOT download. Sequence 7987 vs AcceptRate 6466.
2009-10-15 19:32:47:502 1080 d3c DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {BE92CDCD-6122-472F-9549-768D8D9EF43E}.101] ***********
2009-10-15 19:32:47:502 1080 d3c DnldMgr Regulation: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} - Update BE92CDCD-6122-472F-9549-768D8D9EF43E is "Priority" regulated and can NOT download. Sequence 7987 vs AcceptRate 6466.
2009-10-15 19:32:47:502 1080 d3c DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to download due to regulation.
2009-10-15 19:32:47:502 1080 d3c DnldMgr Regulation: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} - Update BE92CDCD-6122-472F-9549-768D8D9EF43E is "Priority" regulated and can NOT download. Sequence 7987 vs AcceptRate 6466.
2009-10-15 19:32:47:502 1080 d3c DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {24B38045-7B0B-4BF1-8156-DA276AB53C45}.101] ***********
2009-10-15 19:32:47:502 1080 d3c DnldMgr Regulation: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} - Update 24B38045-7B0B-4BF1-8156-DA276AB53C45 is "Priority" regulated and can NOT download. Sequence 7987 vs AcceptRate 6466.
2009-10-15 19:32:47:502 1080 d3c DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to download due to regulation.
2009-10-15 19:32:47:502 1080 d3c DnldMgr Regulation: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} - Update 24B38045-7B0B-4BF1-8156-DA276AB53C45 is "Priority" regulated and can NOT download. Sequence 7987 vs AcceptRate 6466.
2009-10-15 19:32:47:507 1080 d2c AU AU checked download status and it changed: Downloading is paused
2009-10-15 19:32:58:954 1080 c48 AU No pending client directive
2009-10-15 19:47:33:970 4056 1160 Misc =========== Logging initialized (build: 7.2.6001.788, tz: +0200) ===========
2009-10-15 19:47:33:970 4056 1160 Misc = Process: c:program fileswindows defenderMpCmdRun.exe
2009-10-15 19:47:33:970 4056 1160 Misc = Module: C:Windowssystem32wuapi.dll
2009-10-15 19:47:33:967 4056 1160 COMAPI -------------
2009-10-15 19:47:33:970 4056 1160 COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = Windows Defender]
2009-10-15 19:47:33:970 4056 1160 COMAPI ---------
2009-10-15 19:47:33:983 1080 d3c Agent *************
2009-10-15 19:47:33:983 1080 d3c Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = Windows Defender]
2009-10-15 19:47:33:983 1080 d3c Agent *********
2009-10-15 19:47:33:983 1080 d3c Agent * Online = Yes; Ignore download priority = No
2009-10-15 19:47:33:983 1080 d3c Agent * Criteria = "(IsInstalled = 0 and IsHidden = 0 and CategoryIDs contains '0a487050-8b0f-4f81-b401-be4ceacd61cd') or (IsInstalled = 0 and IsHidden = 0 and CategoryIDs contains '8c3fcc84-7410-4a95-8b89-a166a0190486')"
2009-10-15 19:47:33:983 1080 d3c Agent * ServiceID = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
2009-10-15 19:47:33:983 1080 d3c Agent * Search Scope = {Machine}
2009-10-15 19:47:33:989 4056 1160 COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = Windows Defender]
2009-10-15 19:47:34:245 1080 d3c Misc Validating signature for C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionWuRedir9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822
2009-10-15 19:47:34:263 1080 d3c Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-10-15 19:47:36:986 1080 d3c Misc Validating signature for C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionWuRedir9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822
2009-10-15 19:47:36:992 1080 d3c Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-10-15 19:47:37:072 1080 d3c Agent Checking for updated auth cab for service 7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d at
2009-10-15 19:47:37:072 1080 d3c Misc Validating signature for
2009-10-15 19:47:37:078 1080 d3c Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-10-15 19:47:37:364 1080 d3c Misc Validating signature for
2009-10-15 19:47:37:370 1080 d3c Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-10-15 19:47:39:564 1080 d3c Misc Validating signature for C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionWuRedir7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE
2009-10-15 19:47:39:581 1080 d3c Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-10-15 19:47:39:608 1080 d3c Misc Validating signature for C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionWuRedir7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE
2009-10-15 19:47:39:615 1080 d3c Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-10-15 19:47:39:624 1080 d3c PT +++++++++++ PT: Starting category scan +++++++++++
2009-10-15 19:47:39:625 1080 d3c PT + ServiceId = {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D}, Server URL =
2009-10-15 19:47:40:957 1080 d3c Misc Validating signature for C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionWuRedir7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE
2009-10-15 19:47:40:962 1080 d3c Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-10-15 19:47:40:989 1080 d3c Misc Validating signature for C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionWuRedir7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE
2009-10-15 19:47:40:994 1080 d3c Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-10-15 19:47:41:003 1080 d3c PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing server updates +++++++++++
2009-10-15 19:47:41:003 1080 d3c PT + ServiceId = {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D}, Server URL =
2009-10-15 19:47:42:055 1080 d3c Misc Validating signature for C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionWuRedir7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE
2009-10-15 19:47:42:061 1080 d3c Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-10-15 19:47:42:092 1080 d3c Misc Validating signature for C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionWuRedir7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE
2009-10-15 19:47:42:097 1080 d3c Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-10-15 19:47:42:107 1080 d3c PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing extended update info +++++++++++
2009-10-15 19:47:42:107 1080 d3c PT + ServiceId = {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D}, Server URL =
2009-10-15 19:47:42:632 1080 d3c Agent * Found 0 updates and 3 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 25 out of 38 deployed entities
2009-10-15 19:47:43:760 1080 d3c Agent *********
2009-10-15 19:47:43:760 1080 d3c Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = Windows Defender]
2009-10-15 19:47:43:760 1080 d3c Agent *************
2009-10-15 19:47:43:762 4056 1688 COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = Windows Defender]
2009-10-15 19:47:43:763 4056 1688 COMAPI - Updates found = 0
2009-10-15 19:47:43:763 4056 1688 COMAPI ---------
2009-10-15 19:47:43:763 4056 1688 COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Search [ClientId = Windows Defender]
2009-10-15 19:47:43:763 4056 1688 COMAPI -------------
2009-10-15 19:47:48:786 1080 d3c Report REPORT EVENT: {BBD9D517-EF83-4AAA-92CB-7F38799ABB11} 2009-10-15 19:47:43:760+0200 1 147 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 Windows Defender Success Software Synchronization Windows Update Client successfully detected 0 updates.
2009-10-15 20:45:47:097 1080 10fc DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: Regulation Refresh [Svc: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D}] ***********
2009-10-15 20:45:47:097 1080 10fc DnldMgr Contacting regulation server for 10 updates.
2009-10-15 20:45:47:326 1080 10fc Misc Validating signature for C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionWuRedir7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE
2009-10-15 20:45:47:469 1080 10fc Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-10-15 20:45:47:529 1080 10fc DnldMgr Regulation server path: smx.
2009-10-15 20:45:51:116 1080 10fc DnldMgr * Regulation call complete. 0x00000000
2009-10-15 20:45:51:566 1080 10fc DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {9436FA96-5AF5-4A63-9D84-AD4E5ABF9F5B}.102] ***********
2009-10-15 20:45:51:567 1080 10fc DnldMgr Regulation: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} - Update 9436FA96-5AF5-4A63-9D84-AD4E5ABF9F5B is "Priority" regulated and can NOT download. Sequence 7987 vs AcceptRate 6594.
2009-10-15 20:45:51:567 1080 10fc DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to download due to regulation.
2009-10-15 20:45:51:567 1080 10fc DnldMgr Regulation: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} - Update 9436FA96-5AF5-4A63-9D84-AD4E5ABF9F5B is "Priority" regulated and can NOT download. Sequence 7987 vs AcceptRate 6594.
2009-10-15 20:45:51:719 1080 10fc DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {AE6DB4CB-3F4C-4F4B-911B-4DE126233D64}.103] ***********
2009-10-15 20:45:51:719 1080 10fc DnldMgr Regulation: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} - Update AE6DB4CB-3F4C-4F4B-911B-4DE126233D64 is "Priority" regulated and can NOT download. Sequence 7987 vs AcceptRate 6594.
2009-10-15 20:45:51:719 1080 10fc DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to download due to regulation.
2009-10-15 20:45:51:719 1080 10fc DnldMgr Regulation: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} - Update AE6DB4CB-3F4C-4F4B-911B-4DE126233D64 is "Priority" regulated and can NOT download. Sequence 7987 vs AcceptRate 6594.
2009-10-15 20:45:51:826 1080 10fc DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {6FDBBB91-266B-4CC1-B709-431F11B42564}.101] ***********
2009-10-15 20:45:51:826 1080 10fc DnldMgr Regulation: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} - Update 6FDBBB91-266B-4CC1-B709-431F11B42564 is "Priority" regulated and can NOT download. Sequence 7987 vs AcceptRate 6594.
2009-10-15 20:45:51:826 1080 10fc DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to download due to regulation.
2009-10-15 20:45:51:826 1080 10fc DnldMgr Regulation: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} - Update 6FDBBB91-266B-4CC1-B709-431F11B42564 is "Priority" regulated and can NOT download. Sequence 7987 vs AcceptRate 6594.
2009-10-15 20:45:51:903 1080 10fc DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {F3CC84CF-0B01-40CE-BF0F-4242304C2411}.102] ***********
2009-10-15 20:45:51:903 1080 10fc DnldMgr Regulation: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} - Update F3CC84CF-0B01-40CE-BF0F-4242304C2411 is "Priority" regulated and can NOT download. Sequence 7987 vs AcceptRate 6594.
2009-10-15 20:45:51:903 1080 10fc DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to download due to regulation.
2009-10-15 20:45:51:903 1080 10fc DnldMgr Regulation: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} - Update F3CC84CF-0B01-40CE-BF0F-4242304C2411 is "Priority" regulated and can NOT download. Sequence 7987 vs AcceptRate 6594.
2009-10-15 20:45:51:992 1080 10fc DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {DF754F6B-A903-455E-91C0-A0A4576E371C}.102] ***********
2009-10-15 20:45:51:993 1080 10fc DnldMgr Regulation: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} - Update DF754F6B-A903-455E-91C0-A0A4576E371C is "Priority" regulated and can NOT download. Sequence 7987 vs AcceptRate 6594.
2009-10-15 20:45:51:993 1080 10fc DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to download due to regulation.
2009-10-15 20:45:51:993 1080 10fc DnldMgr Regulation: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} - Update DF754F6B-A903-455E-91C0-A0A4576E371C is "Priority" regulated and can NOT download. Sequence 7987 vs AcceptRate 6594.
2009-10-15 20:45:52:059 1080 10fc DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {BA16151E-F244-44B6-9AF0-BE613C75FA1D}.101] ***********
2009-10-15 20:45:52:060 1080 10fc DnldMgr Regulation: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} - Update BA16151E-F244-44B6-9AF0-BE613C75FA1D is "Priority" regulated and can NOT download. Sequence 7987 vs AcceptRate 6594.
2009-10-15 20:45:52:060 1080 10fc DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to download due to regulation.
2009-10-15 20:45:52:060 1080 10fc DnldMgr Regulation: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} - Update BA16151E-F244-44B6-9AF0-BE613C75FA1D is "Priority" regulated and can NOT download. Sequence 7987 vs AcceptRate 6594.
2009-10-15 20:45:52:151 1080 10fc DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {E04F0652-138C-44D3-87CF-73B936783F3F}.100] ***********
2009-10-15 20:45:52:151 1080 10fc DnldMgr Regulation: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} - Update E04F0652-138C-44D3-87CF-73B936783F3F is "Priority" regulated and can NOT download. Sequence 7987 vs AcceptRate 6594.
2009-10-15 20:45:52:151 1080 10fc DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to download due to regulation.
2009-10-15 20:45:52:151 1080 10fc DnldMgr Regulation: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} - Update E04F0652-138C-44D3-87CF-73B936783F3F is "Priority" regulated and can NOT download. Sequence 7987 vs AcceptRate 6594.
2009-10-15 20:45:52:175 1080 10fc DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {AAFEE276-74E6-49FF-A566-D1540BA51CFD}.102] ***********
2009-10-15 20:45:52:175 1080 10fc DnldMgr Regulation: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} - Update AAFEE276-74E6-49FF-A566-D1540BA51CFD is "Priority" regulated and can NOT download. Sequence 7987 vs AcceptRate 6594.
2009-10-15 20:45:52:175 1080 10fc DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to download due to regulation.
2009-10-15 20:45:52:176 1080 10fc DnldMgr Regulation: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} - Update AAFEE276-74E6-49FF-A566-D1540BA51CFD is "Priority" regulated and can NOT download. Sequence 7987 vs AcceptRate 6594.
2009-10-15 20:45:52:176 1080 10fc DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {BE92CDCD-6122-472F-9549-768D8D9EF43E}.101] ***********
2009-10-15 20:45:52:176 1080 10fc DnldMgr Regulation: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} - Update BE92CDCD-6122-472F-9549-768D8D9EF43E is "Priority" regulated and can NOT download. Sequence 7987 vs AcceptRate 6594.
2009-10-15 20:45:52:176 1080 10fc DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to download due to regulation.
2009-10-15 20:45:52:176 1080 10fc DnldMgr Regulation: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} - Update BE92CDCD-6122-472F-9549-768D8D9EF43E is "Priority" regulated and can NOT download. Sequence 7987 vs AcceptRate 6594.
2009-10-15 20:45:52:190 1080 10fc DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {24B38045-7B0B-4BF1-8156-DA276AB53C45}.101] ***********
2009-10-15 20:45:52:190 1080 10fc DnldMgr Regulation: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} - Update 24B38045-7B0B-4BF1-8156-DA276AB53C45 is "Priority" regulated and can NOT download. Sequence 7987 vs AcceptRate 6594.
2009-10-15 20:45:52:190 1080 10fc DnldMgr * Update is not allowed to download due to regulation.
2009-10-15 20:45:52:190 1080 10fc DnldMgr Regulation: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D} - Update 24B38045-7B0B-4BF1-8156-DA276AB53C45 is "Priority" regulated and can NOT download. Sequence 7987 vs AcceptRate 6594.
2009-10-16 09:05:53:059 1080 c48 AU Forced install timer expired for scheduled install
2009-10-16 09:05:53:779 1080 c48 AU UpdateDownloadProperties: 10 download(s) are still in progress.
2009-10-16 09:05:54:414 1080 c48 AU UpdateDownloadProperties: download priority has changed from 1 to 2.
2009-10-16 09:05:55:142 1080 c48 AU WARNING: Failed to change download properties of call, error = 0x80070057
2009-10-16 09:05:55:284 1080 c48 AU UpdateDownloadProperties: download priority has changed from 1 to 2.
2009-10-16 09:05:55:284 1080 c48 AU WARNING: Failed to change download properties of call, error = 0x80070057
2009-10-16 09:05:55:284 1080 c48 AU UpdateDownloadProperties: download priority has changed from 1 to 2.
2009-10-16 09:05:55:285 1080 c48 AU WARNING: Failed to change download properties of call, error = 0x80070057
2009-10-16 09:05:55:285 1080 c48 AU UpdateDownloadProperties: download priority has changed from 1 to 2.
2009-10-16 09:05:55:285 1080 c48 AU WARNING: Failed to change download properties of call, error = 0x80070057
2009-10-16 09:05:55:285 1080 c48 AU UpdateDownloadProperties: download priority has changed from 1 to 2.
2009-10-16 09:05:55:285 1080 c48 AU WARNING: Failed to change download properties of call, error = 0x80070057
2009-10-16 09:05:55:285 1080 c48 AU UpdateDownloadProperties: download priority has changed from 1 to 2.
2009-10-16 09:05:55:285 1080 c48 AU WARNING: Failed to change download properties of call, error = 0x80070057
2009-10-16 09:05:55:285 1080 c48 AU UpdateDownloadProperties: download priority has changed from 1 to 2.
2009-10-16 09:05:55:285 1080 c48 AU WARNING: Failed to change download properties of call, error = 0x80070057
2009-10-16 09:05:55:285 1080 c48 AU UpdateDownloadProperties: download priority has changed from 1 to 2.
2009-10-16 09:05:55:286 1080 c48 AU WARNING: Failed to change download properties of call, error = 0x80070057
2009-10-16 09:05:55:286 1080 c48 AU UpdateDownloadProperties: download priority has changed from 1 to 2.
2009-10-16 09:05:55:286 1080 c48 AU WARNING: Failed to change download properties of call, error = 0x80070057
2009-10-16 09:05:55:286 1080 c48 AU UpdateDownloadProperties: download priority has changed from 1 to 2.
2009-10-16 09:05:55:286 1080 c48 AU WARNING: Failed to change download properties of call, error = 0x80070057
2009-10-16 09:05:56:501 1080 c48 AU Setting AU scheduled install time to 2009-10-17 01:00:00
2009-10-16 09:05:57:260 1080 5ec DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: Regulation Refresh [Svc: {7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D}] ***********
2009-10-16 09:05:57:260 1080 5ec DnldMgr Contacting regulation server for 10 updates.
2009-10-16 09:06:04:423 1080 5ec Misc Validating signature for C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionWuRedir7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE
2009-10-16 09:06:04:432 1080 5ec Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-10-16 09:06:04:450 1080 5ec DnldMgr Regulation server path: smx.
2009-10-16 09:06:07:459 1080 5ec DnldMgr * Regulation call complete. 0x00000000
2009-10-16 09:06:10:821 1080 5ec DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {9436FA96-5AF5-4A63-9D84-AD4E5ABF9F5B}.102] ***********
2009-10-16 09:06:12:762 1080 5ec DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-10-16 09:06:13:682 1080 5ec DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {AE6DB4CB-3F4C-4F4B-911B-4DE126233D64}.103] ***********
2009-10-16 09:06:14:149 1080 5ec DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-10-16 09:06:14:600 1080 5ec DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {6FDBBB91-266B-4CC1-B709-431F11B42564}.101] ***********
2009-10-16 09:06:15:335 1080 5ec DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-10-16 09:06:15:831 1080 5ec DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {F3CC84CF-0B01-40CE-BF0F-4242304C2411}.102] ***********
2009-10-16 09:06:16:327 1080 5ec DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-10-16 09:06:16:462 1080 5ec DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {DF754F6B-A903-455E-91C0-A0A4576E371C}.102] ***********
2009-10-16 09:06:16:753 1080 5ec DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-10-16 09:06:17:040 1080 5ec DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {BA16151E-F244-44B6-9AF0-BE613C75FA1D}.101] ***********
2009-10-16 09:06:17:458 1080 5ec DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-10-16 09:06:17:786 1080 5ec DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {E04F0652-138C-44D3-87CF-73B936783F3F}.100] ***********
2009-10-16 09:06:18:058 1080 5ec DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-10-16 09:06:18:418 1080 5ec DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {AAFEE276-74E6-49FF-A566-D1540BA51CFD}.102] ***********
2009-10-16 09:06:18:765 1080 5ec DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-10-16 09:06:19:046 1080 5ec DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {BE92CDCD-6122-472F-9549-768D8D9EF43E}.101] ***********
2009-10-16 09:06:24:397 1080 5ec DnldMgr * BITS job initialized, JobId = {EAD9BBB9-87D6-4333-8510-B3F528288106}
2009-10-16 09:06:24:936 1080 5ec DnldMgr * Downloading from /10/windows-kb890830-v3.0-delta_40dd80db4d25f1d9bcd936c3b4c500c1662f79d9. exe to C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownload1c141ba9aab66bb4d0fd5783ec1d9490 40dd80db4d25f1d9bcd936c3b4c500c1662f79d9 (full file).
2009-10-16 09:06:26:236 1080 5ec DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {24B38045-7B0B-4BF1-8156-DA276AB53C45}.101] ***********
2009-10-16 09:06:26:508 1080 5ec DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-10-16 09:06:26:509 1080 5ec DnldMgr Generating download request for update {E04F0652-138C-44D3-87CF-73B936783F3F}.100
2009-10-16 09:06:27:935 1080 5ec Handler Generating request for CBS update E04F0652-138C-44D3-87CF-73B936783F3F in sandbox C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownloadf929c99091bb1b153efdcc4d6ae7b302
2009-10-16 09:06:31:819 1080 5ec Handler Selected payload type is ptExpress
2009-10-16 09:06:31:819 1080 5ec Handler Detected download state is dsStart
2009-10-16 09:06:31:819 1080 5ec Handler Adding (entire file) to request list.
2009-10-16 09:06:31:825 1080 9e8 AU AU checked download status and it changed: Downloading is not paused
2009-10-16 09:06:31:825 1080 9e8 AU AU setting pending client directive to 'Download Progress'
2009-10-16 09:06:33:223 1080 5ec Handler Request generation for CBS update complete with hr=0x0 and pfResetSandbox=0
2009-10-16 09:06:33:223 1080 5ec DnldMgr Generating download request for update {BA16151E-F244-44B6-9AF0-BE613C75FA1D}.101
2009-10-16 09:06:34:831 1080 5ec Handler Generating request for CBS update BA16151E-F244-44B6-9AF0-BE613C75FA1D in sandbox C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownloadce0e2997ec0ef0bc00e214c6082d9a57
2009-10-16 09:06:34:831 1080 5ec Handler Selecting self-contained because update does not have express payload.
2009-10-16 09:06:34:831 1080 5ec Handler Selected payload type is ptSelfContained
2009-10-16 09:06:34:832 1080 5ec Handler Detected download state is dsStart
2009-10-16 09:06:34:832 1080 5ec Handler Adding (entire file) to request list.
2009-10-16 09:06:36:579 1080 5ec Handler Request generation for CBS update complete with hr=0x0 and pfResetSandbox=0
2009-10-16 09:06:36:579 1080 5ec DnldMgr Generating download request for update {24B38045-7B0B-4BF1-8156-DA276AB53C45}.101
2009-10-16 09:06:37:752 1080 5ec Handler Generating request for CBS update 24B38045-7B0B-4BF1-8156-DA276AB53C45 in sandbox C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownload844d74634cf3d3dc5b76a490ac4531d2
2009-10-16 09:06:37:752 1080 5ec Handler Selected payload type is ptExpress
2009-10-16 09:06:37:752 1080 5ec Handler Detected download state is dsStart
2009-10-16 09:06:37:752 1080 5ec Handler Adding (entire file) to request list.
2009-10-16 09:06:38:301 1080 5ec Handler Request generation for CBS update complete with hr=0x0 and pfResetSandbox=0
2009-10-16 09:06:38:301 1080 5ec DnldMgr Generating download request for update {6FDBBB91-266B-4CC1-B709-431F11B42564}.101
2009-10-16 09:06:39:466 1080 5ec Handler Generating request for CBS update 6FDBBB91-266B-4CC1-B709-431F11B42564 in sandbox C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownload389ed54a3386598bf693873883a0dee
2009-10-16 09:06:39:466 1080 5ec Handler Selecting self-contained because update does not have express payload.
2009-10-16 09:06:39:466 1080 5ec Handler Selected payload type is ptSelfContained
2009-10-16 09:06:39:466 1080 5ec Handler Detected download state is dsStart
2009-10-16 09:06:39:466 1080 5ec Handler Adding (entire file) to request list.
2009-10-16 09:06:40:046 1080 5ec Handler Request generation for CBS update complete with hr=0x0 and pfResetSandbox=0
2009-10-16 09:06:40:046 1080 5ec DnldMgr Generating download request for update {DF754F6B-A903-455E-91C0-A0A4576E371C}.102
2009-10-16 09:06:41:343 1080 5ec Handler Generating request for CBS update DF754F6B-A903-455E-91C0-A0A4576E371C in sandbox C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownload70605843d42bda903cc75b28b987da21
2009-10-16 09:06:41:344 1080 5ec Handler Selected payload type is ptExpress
2009-10-16 09:06:41:344 1080 5ec Handler Detected download state is dsStart
2009-10-16 09:06:41:344 1080 5ec Handler Adding (entire file) to request list.
2009-10-16 09:06:42:777 1080 5ec Handler Request generation for CBS update complete with hr=0x0 and pfResetSandbox=0
2009-10-16 09:06:42:777 1080 5ec DnldMgr Generating download request for update {AAFEE276-74E6-49FF-A566-D1540BA51CFD}.102
2009-10-16 09:06:44:581 1080 5ec Handler Generating request for CBS update AAFEE276-74E6-49FF-A566-D1540BA51CFD in sandbox C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownload4ee15fa6b5700459e562ef8a2a8156a4
2009-10-16 09:06:44:581 1080 5ec Handler Selected payload type is ptExpress
2009-10-16 09:06:44:581 1080 5ec Handler Detected download state is dsStart
2009-10-16 09:06:44:581 1080 5ec Handler Adding (entire file) to request list.
2009-10-16 09:06:45:102 1080 5ec Handler Request generation for CBS update complete with hr=0x0 and pfResetSandbox=0
2009-10-16 09:06:45:102 1080 5ec DnldMgr Generating download request for update {9436FA96-5AF5-4A63-9D84-AD4E5ABF9F5B}.102
2009-10-16 09:06:46:995 1080 5ec Handler Generating request for CBS update 9436FA96-5AF5-4A63-9D84-AD4E5ABF9F5B in sandbox C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownload25e0c12f12ab8ffdffe22b80f3686195
2009-10-16 09:06:46:995 1080 5ec Handler Selected payload type is ptExpress
2009-10-16 09:06:46:996 1080 5ec Handler Detected download state is dsStart
2009-10-16 09:06:46:996 1080 5ec Handler Adding (entire file) to request list.
2009-10-16 09:06:47:533 1080 5ec Handler Request generation for CBS update complete with hr=0x0 and pfResetSandbox=0
2009-10-16 09:06:47:534 1080 5ec DnldMgr Generating download request for update {F3CC84CF-0B01-40CE-BF0F-4242304C2411}.102
2009-10-16 09:06:48:579 1080 c48 AU Launched new AU client for directive 'Download Progress', session id = 0x1
2009-10-16 09:06:48:587 1080 5ec Handler Generating request for CBS update F3CC84CF-0B01-40CE-BF0F-4242304C2411 in sandbox C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownloadf2bc117bba07fa9c28caabf2dcb1efa9
2009-10-16 09:06:48:587 1080 5ec Handler Selected payload type is ptExpress
2009-10-16 09:06:48:587 1080 5ec Handler Detected download state is dsStart
2009-10-16 09:06:48:587 1080 5ec Handler Adding (entire file) to request list.
2009-10-16 09:06:49:179 1080 5ec Handler Request generation for CBS update complete with hr=0x0 and pfResetSandbox=0
2009-10-16 09:06:49:179 1080 5ec DnldMgr Generating download request for update {AE6DB4CB-3F4C-4F4B-911B-4DE126233D64}.103
2009-10-16 09:06:49:858 1080 5ec Handler Generating request for CBS update AE6DB4CB-3F4C-4F4B-911B-4DE126233D64 in sandbox C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownload8a72746fc22745bb8d5ed41eb8782c64
2009-10-16 09:06:49:858 1080 5ec Handler Selected payload type is ptExpress
2009-10-16 09:06:49:859 1080 5ec Handler Detected download state is dsStart
2009-10-16 09:06:49:859 1080 5ec Handler Adding (entire file) to request list.
2009-10-16 09:06:50:248 1080 5ec Handler Request generation for CBS update complete with hr=0x0 and pfResetSandbox=0
2009-10-16 09:06:50:248 1080 5ec DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {9436FA96-5AF5-4A63-9D84-AD4E5ABF9F5B}.102] ***********
2009-10-16 09:06:53:105 1080 5ec DnldMgr * BITS job initialized, JobId = {9DBE1CE6-C057-4A1A-81D9-35658C559E2E}
2009-10-16 09:06:54:875 1080 5ec DnldMgr * Downloading from /09/windows6.0-kb954155-x86-express_b489be4031ecf209d929f018ad7d93cefbc2b to C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownload25e0c12f12ab8ffdffe22b80f3686195 (full file).
2009-10-16 09:06:57:453 1080 5ec DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {AE6DB4CB-3F4C-4F4B-911B-4DE126233D64}.103] ***********
2009-10-16 09:06:59:864 1080 5ec DnldMgr * BITS job initialized, JobId = {6D34DFD4-3661-495D-91A2-7C539BBA7FDD}
2009-10-16 09:07:00:724 1080 5ec DnldMgr * Downloading from /09/windows6.0-kb975517-x86-express_e291b477d97758ddaf80e1072b83773591eac to C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownload8a72746fc22745bb8d5ed41eb8782c64 (full file).
2009-10-16 09:07:02:081 1080 5ec DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {6FDBBB91-266B-4CC1-B709-431F11B42564}.101] ***********
2009-10-16 09:07:03:287 1080 5ec DnldMgr * BITS job initialized, JobId = {58E8FF7D-E452-4B08-81E6-A16AD6C2A67C}
2009-10-16 09:07:03:616 1080 5ec DnldMgr * Downloading from /09/ to C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownload389ed54a3386598bf693873883a0dee (full file).
2009-10-16 09:07:04:386 1080 5ec DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {F3CC84CF-0B01-40CE-BF0F-4242304C2411}.102] ***********
2009-10-16 09:07:05:328 1080 5ec DnldMgr * BITS job initialized, JobId = {B2EBE946-2BF6-4436-A89A-405DC887603D}
2009-10-16 09:07:06:242 1080 5ec DnldMgr * Downloading from /09/windows6.0-kb974571-x86-express_79280ada3cde706bfb57d5751acd8f063e383 to C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownloadf2bc117bba07fa9c28caabf2dcb1efa9 (full file).
2009-10-16 09:07:07:373 1080 5ec DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {DF754F6B-A903-455E-91C0-A0A4576E371C}.102] ***********
2009-10-16 09:07:08:035 1080 5ec DnldMgr * BITS job initialized, JobId = {04FD4C2E-C573-41FA-BFEC-949F6C27345A}
2009-10-16 09:07:08:374 1080 5ec DnldMgr * Downloading from /09/ie8-windows6.0-kb974455-x86-express_c9528d680353e72c8ea93d70cb6103cd0 to C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownload70605843d42bda903cc75b28b987da21 (full file).
2009-10-16 09:07:08:940 1080 5ec DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {BA16151E-F244-44B6-9AF0-BE613C75FA1D}.101] ***********
2009-10-16 09:07:09:667 1080 5ec DnldMgr * BITS job initialized, JobId = {8D0F66FD-FD5E-4A41-901D-E53E2E32FFF9}
2009-10-16 09:07:09:931 1080 5ec DnldMgr * Downloading from /09/ to C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownloadce0e2997ec0ef0bc00e214c6082d9a57 (full file).
2009-10-16 09:07:11:911 1080 5ec DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {E04F0652-138C-44D3-87CF-73B936783F3F}.100] ***********
2009-10-16 09:07:12:873 1080 5ec DnldMgr * BITS job initialized, JobId = {B7CA2D8F-50E6-461D-AA00-C186CFF561F2}
2009-10-16 09:07:13:314 1080 5ec DnldMgr * Downloading from /10/windows6.0-kb905866-v34-x86-express_dd46cb330f9359eb9f2261025977d537d to C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownloadf929c99091bb1b153efdcc4d6ae7b302 (full file).
2009-10-16 09:07:14:129 1080 5ec DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {AAFEE276-74E6-49FF-A566-D1540BA51CFD}.102] ***********
2009-10-16 09:07:15:222 1080 5ec DnldMgr * BITS job initialized, JobId = {35DA48D3-FBC0-4106-96F7-38734C9D79D4}
2009-10-16 09:07:15:771 1080 5ec DnldMgr * Downloading from /09/windows6.0-kb971486-x86-express_b69004b95ffa051ada1de978ec63426c24fb9 to C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownload4ee15fa6b5700459e562ef8a2a8156a4 (full file).
2009-10-16 09:07:16:726 1080 5ec DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {24B38045-7B0B-4BF1-8156-DA276AB53C45}.101] ***********
2009-10-16 09:07:17:678 1080 5ec DnldMgr * BITS job initialized, JobId = {E5EE8F5C-4B5F-4FDD-891B-5AEC21E384F3}
2009-10-16 09:07:17:909 1080 5ec DnldMgr * Downloading from /09/windows6.0-kb975467-x86-express_f9c3fbefdb61d9d2cb01bfd50b8d70f45b50b to C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownload844d74634cf3d3dc5b76a490ac4531d2 (full file).
2009-10-16 09:07:19:238 1080 165c DnldMgr BITS job {EAD9BBB9-87D6-4333-8510-B3F528288106} completed successfully
2009-10-16 09:07:20:835 1080 165c Misc Validating signature for C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownload1c141ba9aab66bb4d0fd5783ec1d9490 40dd80db4d25f1d9bcd936c3b4c500c1662f79d9:
2009-10-16 09:07:20:914 1080 165c Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-10-16 09:07:20:960 1080 165c DnldMgr Download job bytes total = 1106880, bytes transferred = 1106880
2009-10-16 09:07:21:368 1080 165c DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {BE92CDCD-6122-472F-9549-768D8D9EF43E}.101] ***********
2009-10-16 09:07:21:638 1080 165c DnldMgr * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.
2009-10-16 09:07:23:229 1080 9e8 AU >>## RESUMED ## AU: Download update [UpdateId = {3B6082C9-F415-4E83-98A8-96F28461C91C}, succeeded]
2009-10-16 09:07:23:254 1080 9e8 AU Setting AU scheduled install time to 2009-10-17 01:00:00
2009-10-16 09:07:23:655 1080 95c DnldMgr BITS job {9DBE1CE6-C057-4A1A-81D9-35658C559E2E} completed successfully
2009-10-16 09:07:24:648 1080 95c Misc Validating signature for C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownload25e0c12f12ab8ffdffe22b80f3686195
2009-10-16 09:07:24:698 1080 95c Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-10-16 09:07:24:701 1080 95c DnldMgr Download job bytes total = 371255, bytes transferred = 56600
2009-10-16 09:07:24:748 1080 95c DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {9436FA96-5AF5-4A63-9D84-AD4E5ABF9F5B}.102] ***********
2009-10-16 09:07:24:748 1080 95c DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-10-16 09:07:25:437 1080 95c DnldMgr Generating download request for update {9436FA96-5AF5-4A63-9D84-AD4E5ABF9F5B}.102
2009-10-16 09:07:28:130 1080 95c Handler Generating request for CBS update 9436FA96-5AF5-4A63-9D84-AD4E5ABF9F5B in sandbox C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownload25e0c12f12ab8ffdffe22b80f3686195
2009-10-16 09:07:28:130 1080 95c Handler Selected payload type is ptExpress
2009-10-16 09:07:29:905 1080 5ec Report REPORT EVENT: {3B09EE9C-419A-4D1D-B812-9B33E7D3BF7C} 2009-10-16 09:07:22:959+0200 1 162 101 {3B6082C9-F415-4E83-98A8-96F28461C91C} 101 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Download Download succeeded.
2009-10-16 09:07:29:906 1080 5ec Report REPORT EVENT: {801E8FDA-B969-49CB-9472-F2098076426C} 2009-10-16 09:07:24:323+0200 1 188 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Ready: The following updates are downloaded and ready for installation. This computer is currently scheduled to install these updates on ‎samedi ‎17 ‎octobre ‎2009 at 03:00: - Outil de suppression de logiciels malveillants Windows - octobre 2009 (KB890830)
2009-10-16 09:07:30:029 1080 95c Handler UH: DpxRestoreJob returned 0x80070002
2009-10-16 09:07:30:029 1080 95c Handler Detected download state is dsHavePackage
2009-10-16 09:08:26:359 1080 1438 Handler CBS called Error with 0x800f0816,
2009-10-16 09:08:26:360 1080 95c Handler Async stage operation completed with 0x800f0816
2009-10-16 09:10:58:847 1080 95c Handler DPX indicated more ranges to download.
2009-10-16 09:10:58:847 1080 95c Handler Adding Windows6.0-KB954155-x86.psf (ranges) to request list.
2009-10-16 09:10:58:919 1080 95c Handler Request generation for CBS update complete with hr=0x0 and pfResetSandbox=0
2009-10-16 09:10:58:920 1080 95c DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {9436FA96-5AF5-4A63-9D84-AD4E5ABF9F5B}.102] ***********
2009-10-16 09:10:59:294 1080 95c DnldMgr * BITS job initialized, JobId = {A807C69E-0D62-4966-80B3-4C9E978F6C19}
2009-10-16 09:10:59:495 1080 95c DnldMgr * Downloading from /09/windows6.0-kb954155-x86_14d46358f63ba448d28e9eecb634e9ae33273d2d.psf to C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownload25e0c12f12ab8ffdffe22b80f3686195 14d46358f63ba448d28e9eecb634e9ae33273d2d-1 (6 subranges).
2009-10-16 09:10:59:764 1080 16c0 DnldMgr BITS job {6D34DFD4-3661-495D-91A2-7C539BBA7FDD} completed successfully
2009-10-16 09:10:59:874 1080 16c0 Misc Validating signature for C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownload8a72746fc22745bb8d5ed41eb8782c64
2009-10-16 09:10:59:885 1080 16c0 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-10-16 09:10:59:940 1080 16c0 DnldMgr Download job bytes total = 197912, bytes transferred = 59002
2009-10-16 09:10:59:988 1080 16c0 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {AE6DB4CB-3F4C-4F4B-911B-4DE126233D64}.103] ***********
2009-10-16 09:10:59:989 1080 16c0 DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-10-16 09:11:00:123 1080 16c0 DnldMgr Generating download request for update {AE6DB4CB-3F4C-4F4B-911B-4DE126233D64}.103
2009-10-16 09:11:00:337 1080 16c0 Handler Generating request for CBS update AE6DB4CB-3F4C-4F4B-911B-4DE126233D64 in sandbox C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownload8a72746fc22745bb8d5ed41eb8782c64
2009-10-16 09:11:00:338 1080 16c0 Handler Selected payload type is ptExpress
2009-10-16 09:11:00:351 1080 16c0 Handler UH: DpxRestoreJob returned 0x80070002
2009-10-16 09:11:00:351 1080 16c0 Handler Detected download state is dsHavePackage
2009-10-16 09:11:12:072 1080 1798 Handler CBS called Error with 0x800f0816,
2009-10-16 09:11:12:074 1080 16c0 Handler Async stage operation completed with 0x800f0816
2009-10-16 09:11:15:375 1080 16c0 Handler DPX indicated more ranges to download.
2009-10-16 09:11:15:375 1080 16c0 Handler Adding Windows6.0-KB975517-x86.psf (ranges) to request list.
2009-10-16 09:11:15:445 1080 16c0 Handler Request generation for CBS update complete with hr=0x0 and pfResetSandbox=0
2009-10-16 09:11:15:487 1080 16c0 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {AE6DB4CB-3F4C-4F4B-911B-4DE126233D64}.103] ***********
2009-10-16 09:11:15:698 1080 16c0 DnldMgr * BITS job initialized, JobId = {0D985EF3-CFC4-48EE-8090-2E6A976CBCB4}
2009-10-16 09:11:15:881 1080 16c0 DnldMgr * Downloading from /09/windows6.0-kb975517-x86_72fd878b4ed710a20e11eab1a20bb35b9f83c35b.psf to C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownload8a72746fc22745bb8d5ed41eb8782c64 72fd878b4ed710a20e11eab1a20bb35b9f83c35b-1 (7 subranges).
2009-10-16 09:11:16:233 1080 c14 DnldMgr BITS job {58E8FF7D-E452-4B08-81E6-A16AD6C2A67C} completed successfully
2009-10-16 09:11:16:314 1080 c14 Misc Validating signature for C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownload389ed54a3386598bf693873883a0dee
2009-10-16 09:11:16:321 1080 c14 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-10-16 09:11:16:340 1080 c14 DnldMgr Download job bytes total = 61777, bytes transferred = 61777
2009-10-16 09:11:16:392 1080 c14 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {6FDBBB91-266B-4CC1-B709-431F11B42564}.101] ***********
2009-10-16 09:11:16:406 1080 c14 DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-10-16 09:11:16:447 1080 c14 DnldMgr Generating download request for update {6FDBBB91-266B-4CC1-B709-431F11B42564}.101
2009-10-16 09:11:16:742 1080 c14 Handler Generating request for CBS update 6FDBBB91-266B-4CC1-B709-431F11B42564 in sandbox C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownload389ed54a3386598bf693873883a0dee
2009-10-16 09:11:16:742 1080 c14 Handler Selecting self-contained because update does not have express payload.
2009-10-16 09:11:16:742 1080 c14 Handler Selected payload type is ptSelfContained
2009-10-16 09:11:16:742 1080 c14 Handler Detected download state is dsHavePackage
2009-10-16 09:11:16:745 1080 c14 Handler Request generation for CBS update complete with hr=0x0 and pfResetSandbox=0
2009-10-16 09:11:16:803 1080 c14 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {6FDBBB91-266B-4CC1-B709-431F11B42564}.101] ***********
2009-10-16 09:11:16:804 1080 c14 DnldMgr * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.
2009-10-16 09:11:16:917 1080 165c DnldMgr BITS job {B2EBE946-2BF6-4436-A89A-405DC887603D} completed successfully
2009-10-16 09:11:17:095 1080 165c Misc Validating signature for C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownloadf2bc117bba07fa9c28caabf2dcb1efa9
2009-10-16 09:11:17:106 1080 165c Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-10-16 09:11:17:115 1080 165c DnldMgr Download job bytes total = 99521, bytes transferred = 70618
2009-10-16 09:11:17:287 1080 165c DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {F3CC84CF-0B01-40CE-BF0F-4242304C2411}.102] ***********
2009-10-16 09:11:17:293 1080 165c DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-10-16 09:11:17:341 1080 165c DnldMgr Generating download request for update {F3CC84CF-0B01-40CE-BF0F-4242304C2411}.102
2009-10-16 09:11:17:648 1080 165c Handler Generating request for CBS update F3CC84CF-0B01-40CE-BF0F-4242304C2411 in sandbox C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownloadf2bc117bba07fa9c28caabf2dcb1efa9
2009-10-16 09:11:17:648 1080 165c Handler Selected payload type is ptExpress
2009-10-16 09:11:17:652 1080 9e8 AU >>## RESUMED ## AU: Download update [UpdateId = {9388B829-E5F2-4364-8648-FDDAE7C26DD5}, succeeded]
2009-10-16 09:11:17:747 1080 9e8 AU Setting AU scheduled install time to 2009-10-17 01:00:00
2009-10-16 09:11:17:894 1080 165c Handler UH: DpxRestoreJob returned 0x80070002
2009-10-16 09:11:17:894 1080 165c Handler Detected download state is dsHavePackage
2009-10-16 09:11:21:909 1080 5ec Report REPORT EVENT: {1A2D4466-420C-4925-919E-CBFB61E9263F} 2009-10-16 09:11:16:909+0200 1 162 101 {9388B829-E5F2-4364-8648-FDDAE7C26DD5} 101 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Download Download succeeded.
2009-10-16 09:11:21:909 1080 5ec Report REPORT EVENT: {507D96F7-3E74-4D67-9FF8-21C264E9247D} 2009-10-16 09:11:18:205+0200 1 188 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Ready: The following updates are downloaded and ready for installation. This computer is currently scheduled to install these updates on ‎samedi ‎17 ‎octobre ‎2009 at 03:00: - Mise à jour de sécurité cumulative pour les bits d'arrêt ActiveX pour Windows Vista (KB973525) - Outil de suppression de logiciels malveillants Windows - octobre 2009 (KB890830)
2009-10-16 09:11:34:311 1080 1798 Handler CBS called Error with 0x800f0816,
2009-10-16 09:11:34:313 1080 165c Handler Async stage operation completed with 0x800f0816
2009-10-16 09:11:37:485 1080 165c Handler DPX indicated more ranges to download.
2009-10-16 09:11:37:486 1080 165c Handler Adding Windows6.0-KB974571-x86.psf (ranges) to request list.
2009-10-16 09:11:37:512 1080 165c Handler Request generation for CBS update complete with hr=0x0 and pfResetSandbox=0
2009-10-16 09:11:37:581 1080 165c DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {F3CC84CF-0B01-40CE-BF0F-4242304C2411}.102] ***********
2009-10-16 09:11:37:891 1080 165c DnldMgr * BITS job initialized, JobId = {D7D17CE0-2D24-41CC-ADD3-FFB24B979A4D}
2009-10-16 09:11:38:086 1080 165c DnldMgr * Downloading from /09/windows6.0-kb974571-x86_26949cf55cd40c7cfe0c00eedcebdccd28eaac3f.psf to C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownloadf2bc117bba07fa9c28caabf2dcb1efa9 26949cf55cd40c7cfe0c00eedcebdccd28eaac3f-1 (6 subranges).
2009-10-16 09:11:38:499 1080 95c DnldMgr BITS job {04FD4C2E-C573-41FA-BFEC-949F6C27345A} completed successfully
2009-10-16 09:11:38:706 1080 95c Misc Validating signature for C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownload70605843d42bda903cc75b28b987da21
2009-10-16 09:11:38:716 1080 95c Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-10-16 09:11:38:747 1080 95c DnldMgr Download job bytes total = 8938690, bytes transferred = 361388
2009-10-16 09:11:38:781 1080 95c DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {DF754F6B-A903-455E-91C0-A0A4576E371C}.102] ***********
2009-10-16 09:11:38:781 1080 95c DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-10-16 09:11:38:848 1080 95c DnldMgr Generating download request for update {DF754F6B-A903-455E-91C0-A0A4576E371C}.102
2009-10-16 09:11:39:258 1080 95c Handler Generating request for CBS update DF754F6B-A903-455E-91C0-A0A4576E371C in sandbox C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownload70605843d42bda903cc75b28b987da21
2009-10-16 09:11:39:258 1080 95c Handler Selected payload type is ptExpress
2009-10-16 09:11:39:278 1080 95c Handler UH: DpxRestoreJob returned 0x80070002
2009-10-16 09:11:39:278 1080 95c Handler Detected download state is dsHavePackage
2009-10-16 09:12:07:341 1080 ae8 Handler CBS called Error with 0x800f0816,
2009-10-16 09:12:07:342 1080 95c Handler Async stage operation completed with 0x800f0816
2009-10-16 09:12:18:335 1080 95c Handler DPX indicated more ranges to download.
2009-10-16 09:12:18:335 1080 95c Handler Adding IE8-Windows6.0-KB974455-x86.psf (ranges) to request list.
2009-10-16 09:12:18:426 1080 95c Handler Request generation for CBS update complete with hr=0x0 and pfResetSandbox=0
2009-10-16 09:12:18:595 1080 95c DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {DF754F6B-A903-455E-91C0-A0A4576E371C}.102] ***********
2009-10-16 09:12:19:005 1080 95c DnldMgr * BITS job initialized, JobId = {0E9DCBCD-4664-4846-9B13-27879C8C48ED}
2009-10-16 09:12:19:258 1080 95c DnldMgr * Downloading from /09/ie8-windows6.0-kb974455-x86_d78f2d4d7c29c03f674babd1c67bd85eb2af561d. psf to C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownload70605843d42bda903cc75b28b987da21 d78f2d4d7c29c03f674babd1c67bd85eb2af561d-1 (50 subranges).
2009-10-16 09:12:19:704 1080 c14 DnldMgr BITS job {8D0F66FD-FD5E-4A41-901D-E53E2E32FFF9} completed successfully
2009-10-16 09:12:20:001 1080 c14 Misc Validating signature for C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownloadce0e2997ec0ef0bc00e214c6082d9a57
2009-10-16 09:12:20:053 1080 c14 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-10-16 09:12:20:075 1080 c14 DnldMgr Download job bytes total = 5963027, bytes transferred = 5963027
2009-10-16 09:12:20:179 1080 c14 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {BA16151E-F244-44B6-9AF0-BE613C75FA1D}.101] ***********
2009-10-16 09:12:20:179 1080 c14 DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-10-16 09:12:20:255 1080 c14 DnldMgr Generating download request for update {BA16151E-F244-44B6-9AF0-BE613C75FA1D}.101
2009-10-16 09:12:20:689 1080 c14 Handler Generating request for CBS update BA16151E-F244-44B6-9AF0-BE613C75FA1D in sandbox C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownloadce0e2997ec0ef0bc00e214c6082d9a57
2009-10-16 09:12:20:689 1080 c14 Handler Selecting self-contained because update does not have express payload.
2009-10-16 09:12:20:689 1080 c14 Handler Selected payload type is ptSelfContained
2009-10-16 09:12:20:690 1080 c14 Handler Detected download state is dsHavePackage
2009-10-16 09:12:20:693 1080 c14 Handler Request generation for CBS update complete with hr=0x0 and pfResetSandbox=0
2009-10-16 09:12:20:841 1080 c14 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {BA16151E-F244-44B6-9AF0-BE613C75FA1D}.101] ***********
2009-10-16 09:12:20:849 1080 c14 DnldMgr * All files for update were already downloaded and are valid.
2009-10-16 09:12:20:915 1080 c14 DnldMgr BITS job {E5EE8F5C-4B5F-4FDD-891B-5AEC21E384F3} completed successfully
2009-10-16 09:12:21:118 1080 c14 Misc Validating signature for C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownload844d74634cf3d3dc5b76a490ac4531d2
2009-10-16 09:12:21:128 1080 c14 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-10-16 09:12:21:151 1080 c14 DnldMgr Download job bytes total = 1290595, bytes transferred = 109408
2009-10-16 09:12:21:185 1080 c14 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {24B38045-7B0B-4BF1-8156-DA276AB53C45}.101] ***********
2009-10-16 09:12:21:185 1080 c14 DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-10-16 09:12:21:185 1080 c14 DnldMgr Generating download request for update {24B38045-7B0B-4BF1-8156-DA276AB53C45}.101
2009-10-16 09:12:21:436 1080 c14 Handler Generating request for CBS update 24B38045-7B0B-4BF1-8156-DA276AB53C45 in sandbox C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownload844d74634cf3d3dc5b76a490ac4531d2
2009-10-16 09:12:21:436 1080 c14 Handler Selected payload type is ptExpress
2009-10-16 09:12:21:445 1080 c14 Handler UH: DpxRestoreJob returned 0x80070002
2009-10-16 09:12:21:445 1080 c14 Handler Detected download state is dsHavePackage
2009-10-16 09:12:21:447 1080 9e8 AU >>## RESUMED ## AU: Download update [UpdateId = {1338198A-44E8-47DD-B1A1-A2CC614AF959}, succeeded]
2009-10-16 09:12:21:447 1080 9e8 AU Setting AU scheduled install time to 2009-10-17 01:00:00
2009-10-16 09:12:25:916 1080 5ec Report REPORT EVENT: {C4E77055-9DFA-4EBB-BF41-93ED83553039} 2009-10-16 09:12:20:915+0200 1 162 101 {1338198A-44E8-47DD-B1A1-A2CC614AF959} 101 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Download Download succeeded.
2009-10-16 09:12:25:916 1080 5ec Report REPORT EVENT: {9A876427-D485-49B6-98C4-E10814EC7522} 2009-10-16 09:12:21:728+0200 1 188 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Installation Ready: The following updates are downloaded and ready for installation. This computer is currently scheduled to install these updates on ‎samedi ‎17 ‎octobre ‎2009 at 03:00: - Mise à jour de sécurité cumulative pour les bits d'arrêt ActiveX pour Windows Vista (KB973525) - Mise à jour de sécurité pour Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 Service Pack 2 pour Windows Vista Service Pack 2 et Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2 (KB974470) - Outil de suppression de logiciels malveillants Windows - octobre 2009 (KB890830)
2009-10-16 09:12:39:506 1080 ae8 Handler CBS called Error with 0x800f0816,
2009-10-16 09:12:39:506 1080 c14 Handler Async stage operation completed with 0x800f0816
2009-10-16 09:12:44:141 1080 c14 Handler DPX indicated more ranges to download.
2009-10-16 09:12:44:141 1080 c14 Handler Adding Windows6.0-KB975467-x86.psf (ranges) to request list.
2009-10-16 09:12:44:228 1080 c14 Handler Request generation for CBS update complete with hr=0x0 and pfResetSandbox=0
2009-10-16 09:12:44:358 1080 c14 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {24B38045-7B0B-4BF1-8156-DA276AB53C45}.101] ***********
2009-10-16 09:12:44:641 1080 c14 DnldMgr * BITS job initialized, JobId = {93A49404-CE78-4513-8071-29E6FEACBD97}
2009-10-16 09:12:44:763 1080 c14 DnldMgr * Downloading from /09/windows6.0-kb975467-x86_bda073e7d74fbf0e8b9479c1ce476e0fb149c3c7.psf to C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownload844d74634cf3d3dc5b76a490ac4531d2 bda073e7d74fbf0e8b9479c1ce476e0fb149c3c7-1 (19 subranges).
2009-10-16 09:12:44:898 1080 165c DnldMgr BITS job {35DA48D3-FBC0-4106-96F7-38734C9D79D4} completed successfully
2009-10-16 09:12:44:977 1080 165c Misc Validating signature for C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownload4ee15fa6b5700459e562ef8a2a8156a4
2009-10-16 09:12:44:989 1080 165c Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-10-16 09:12:45:016 1080 165c DnldMgr Download job bytes total = 2532909, bytes transferred = 77218
2009-10-16 09:12:45:098 1080 165c DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {AAFEE276-74E6-49FF-A566-D1540BA51CFD}.102] ***********
2009-10-16 09:12:45:099 1080 165c DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-10-16 09:12:45:099 1080 165c DnldMgr Generating download request for update {AAFEE276-74E6-49FF-A566-D1540BA51CFD}.102
2009-10-16 09:12:45:258 1080 165c Handler Generating request for CBS update AAFEE276-74E6-49FF-A566-D1540BA51CFD in sandbox C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownload4ee15fa6b5700459e562ef8a2a8156a4
2009-10-16 09:12:45:258 1080 165c Handler Selected payload type is ptExpress
2009-10-16 09:12:45:281 1080 165c Handler UH: DpxRestoreJob returned 0x80070002
2009-10-16 09:12:45:281 1080 165c Handler Detected download state is dsHavePackage
2009-10-16 09:13:07:177 1080 544 Handler CBS called Error with 0x800f0816,
2009-10-16 09:13:07:178 1080 165c Handler Async stage operation completed with 0x800f0816
2009-10-16 09:13:16:963 1080 165c Handler DPX indicated more ranges to download.
2009-10-16 09:13:16:963 1080 165c Handler Adding Windows6.0-KB971486-x86.psf (ranges) to request list.
2009-10-16 09:13:17:616 1080 165c Handler Request generation for CBS update complete with hr=0x0 and pfResetSandbox=0
2009-10-16 09:13:18:771 1080 165c DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {AAFEE276-74E6-49FF-A566-D1540BA51CFD}.102] ***********
2009-10-16 09:13:20:114 1080 165c DnldMgr * BITS job initialized, JobId = {BD03755F-35B1-448E-B4BC-F473A76C82DE}
2009-10-16 09:13:20:677 1080 165c DnldMgr * Downloading from /09/windows6.0-kb971486-x86_fe796759cdac736bda6a01d35174face6f901f1c.psf to C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownload4ee15fa6b5700459e562ef8a2a8156a4 fe796759cdac736bda6a01d35174face6f901f1c-1 (12 subranges).
2009-10-16 09:13:21:685 1080 16c0 DnldMgr BITS job {B7CA2D8F-50E6-461D-AA00-C186CFF561F2} completed successfully
2009-10-16 09:13:22:390 1080 16c0 Misc Validating signature for C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownloadf929c99091bb1b153efdcc4d6ae7b302
2009-10-16 09:13:22:399 1080 16c0 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2009-10-16 09:13:22:492 1080 16c0 DnldMgr Download job bytes total = 2222303, bytes transferred = 46126
2009-10-16 09:13:22:850 1080 16c0 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download job [UpdateId = {E04F0652-138C-44D3-87CF-73B936783F3F}.100] ***********
2009-10-16 09:13:22:850 1080 16c0 DnldMgr * Queueing update for download handler request generation.
2009-10-16 09:13:22:854 1080 16c0 DnldMgr Generating download request for update {E04F0652-138C-44D3-87CF-73B936783F3F}.100
2009-10-16 09:13:23:933 1080 16c0 Handler Generating request for CBS update E04F0652-138C-44D3-87CF-73B936783F3F in sandbox C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownloadf929c99091